having fallen at fordham’s rose hill gymnasium back on december 30, the light blue mbb team duly slaughtered div iii mt saint vincent’s in their last non-league battle of the 2023 – 24 campaign. on tuesday, they will travel to ithaca for a tangle with brian earl’s high octane cornell offense. five days later they […] Read more »
the lions play santa two weeks early
there have been two big stories during the 2023 – 24 non-league portion of the ivy league basketball season. first has been the heralded 10 – 1 start by the princeton men’s five. led by sophomores xian lee and caden pierce and senior matt alloco, the tigers have have roared into the season subsequent to […] Read more »
early hope
strangest time of the college basketball calendar, no? too many teams refine their games far from their native hardwood. holiday tourneys proliferate, luring squads and their fans to unhooply climes like maui or the bahamas. the columbia lions have not offered light blue clad rooters any such getaways. our heroes have labored in familiar, or […] Read more »
first principles
tonight the columbia lions return to the hardwood up in providence, rhode island. over the last three seasons, the light blue has won seventeen while losing eighty five games. hard to imagine, but that .200 winning percentage is two times better than their performance in the ivy league where they have won four and lost […] Read more »
nyc nye seism shakes the ivies and allgame
when the current edition of the columbia mens’ basketball team fell to rutgers by forty points in their first contest and by twenty eight to the umass-lowell river hawks in their levien opener, allgame was among the naysaying head hangers in the stands and on the internet. lion fans had best brace for a third […] Read more »
redux and done
the lions five did exactly what it had to on friday night, downing dartmouth 70 – 66. in the process they avenged a stinging ivy league defeat while playing some of their toughest perimeter defense. big green junior guard brendan barry, who had torched them in hanover for twenty one, managed fourteen points but was […] Read more »
take aways from a terrific weekend
patrick tape was, appropriately, named the ivy league player of the week after leading the columbia lions to consecutive road wins in providence and new haven. the big guy averaged 16 points per game and grabbed 6.5 rebounds per contest. he now moves smoothly and confidently down on the blocks and can score over anyone […] Read more »
still alive
penn and princeton visited levien gymnasium this past weekend and tangled with the lions in two very different games. friday evening columbia faced a quaker team that was tied for first in the ivies and beat the lions in philadelphia on february 13 but that had not won in new york in five seasons. columbia […] Read more »
lions look to awake from the nightmare of history as the killer p’s visit
when brown’s tamenchang choh jumped over kyle castlin and grabbed the rebound of brandon anderson’s intentionally missed free throw with nine seconds remaining in overtime last saturday in providence, lion fans would have been forgiven their overwhelming sense of deja vu. only a week before, a missed free throw by dartmouth’s adrease jackson had managed […] Read more »
what we learned
three games into the ivy league schedule and the ultimate fate of the columbia lions hoopsters in conference play has started to take shape. join allgame in a perusal of that still distant shore from the vantage point of the first two weekends in january. it took only twenty seconds for the overzealous zebras to […] Read more »